
XMLog is an amateur radio logbook system for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

There is no charge for using XMLog. Permission to distribute XMLog for profit is prohibited.

Special Note - Please Read

Every XMLog user should upgrade to version 7. See the notes in the Downloading XMLog section below.

XMLog Features

  • Flexible Log Searching - Any log fields can be used to select a subset of your log. For example you could select entries for a single country for which you have sent QSLs but haven't received responses or you could select all RTTY QSOs on 40 meters during October, 1995.
  • Awards Tracking - Tracks DXCC, WAZ and WAS. The QSL sent/received status is tracked as well as the submission status to the award sponsor. LoTW crediting is supported for DXCC and WAS.
  • Reporting - For each award XMLog can produce a report showing:

    • QSL sent/received status summary by band and mode.
    • QSL sent/received status details by band, mode and country/state/zone.
    • QSL award submission status summary or details.
    • Countries/states/zones needed by band and mode.
    • Critical QSO summary. This report lists QSOs that if confirmed would boost your totals.
  • There is also support for county hunting, IOTA, and grid square awards.

  • Callbook Lookups - XMLog supports callbook lookups via QRZ.com, WM7D.net (US/Canada calls only), HamQTH.com, or via CDs provided by Radio Amateur Callbook
  • Important Note: As of June 2010 QRZ.COM is no longer supporting free lookups via HTML. QRZ.COM now requires a paid subscription for lookups via XML (see the Callbooks section of XMLog help).

  • Label Printing - QSL and mailing labels can be created based on info from log entries or callbooks. Labels can be created using standard layouts or from custom layouts you design.
  • Log Importing/Exporting - XMLog can import and export ADIF files. Log entries can also be exported as an Excel spreadsheet or to a CSV file (appropriate for Open Office).

Packet Window

XMLog can display a separate window that interfaces to Internet PacketCluster nodes or to your packet TNC.

Packet Window features:

  • History - XMLog maintains a history for the Packet Window which is saved and restored between sessions.
  • Scripts - Scripts allow automated logins to PacketClusters or bulletin boards.
  • PacketCluster Spots - XMLog can scan PacketCluster spots and give a vocal or CW alert for needed QSOs based on the status from your log. PacketCluster spots can also be displayed graphically as band maps or in 'spreadsheet' style.
  • Rig and Rotor Memories - Memory buttons can be programmed to set your rig frequency/mode or control your rotor.
  • Callbook Lookups - Callbook lookups can be made via a dialog or by double-clicking on calls displayed anywhere in the Packet or Spot Windows.
  • CW Keyboard - XMLog allows you to send CW from the Packet Window or from a separate CW Keyboard Window.
  • CW Messages - Pre-programmed CW messages can be sent using function keys.

Rig Support

When creating log entries XMLog can get the frequency and mode from your rig. You can also set the frequency and mode from PacketCluster spots displayed in the various packet windows. Here's a list of currently supported rigs:

  • Alinco - DX-77
  • Elecraft - K2, K3, K3S, KX3
  • Flex - All
  • Heath - SB-1400
  • Icom - IC-78, 703, 706, 706MkII, 706MkIIG, 707, 718, 725, 726, 728, 729, 731, 735, 736, 737, 738, 746, 746Pro, 751A, 756, 756Pro, 756ProII, 756ProIII, 761, 765, 775, 781, 821, 7000, 7100, 7200, 7300, 7400, 7410, 7600, 7700, 7850, 7851, 9100
  • JRC - JST-135, 145, 245
  • Kenwood - All
  • TenTec - 535 Argonaut-II, 516 Argonaut-V, 539 Argonaut VI, 536 Delta-II, 599 Eagle, 538 Jupiter, 563 Omni-VI, 588 Omni-VII, 565 Orion, 585 Paragon-I, 586 Paragon-II
  • Yaesu - FT-100, 450, 747, 757GXII, 767, 817, 840, 847, 857, 890, 897, 900, 920, 950, 980, 990, 991, 1000, 1000D, 1000MP, 2000, 3000, 5000, 9000

CW Support

XMLog provides a CW interface to your transmitter using a serial port compatible with the Writelog, N1MM or other contest loggers.

XMLog also supports the K1EL WinKeyer using a serial or USB port.

Downloading XMLog

Although XMLog is freeware any help you can provide to support continued XMLog development and maintenance will be greatly appreciated. If you find XMLog useful please use the "Donate" button to make an on-line donation via PayPal or credit card.

You can also send donations to the address shown at the end of this page.

Current XMLog Version

xmlog720.zip - This .zip file contains the current version of XMLog, version 7.20

XMLog Version Notes

- XMLog version 7 includes a fix for a bug that treated dates with two-digit years having values starting with 20 or greater as 19xx instead of 20xx. For example, 01/01/20 would be treated as 01/01/1920 instead of 01/01/2020. Every XMLog user should upgrade to version 7.

XMLog-TwoDigitYears.rtf - provides some more details concerning this change.

Beta XMLog Version

Beta test versions of XMLog are posted at: www.xmlog.com/beta

XMLog Files - Voice Alerts

WAVES.ZIP - This .zip file contains the XMLog voice alert files. WAVES.ZIP is required if you want to use the voice alert feature for PacketCluster spots. After you install XMLog create a folder named "Voice" in your XMLog install folder and extract the files from WAVES.ZIP into this folder. See the help file section on PacketCluster Alerts for more information.

XMLog Files - Manuals

There is no separate manual for XMLog but the help file is available online at www.xmlog.com/help

XMLog Files - Misc.

XMLog-LOTW.rtf - This file is a clip from the XMLog help file that describes the LoTW features added in XMLog version 6.00.

The XMLog Group

There is an XMLog group at groups.io/g/XMLog. You can visit this site to subscribe, ask questions, or search the group archives.

To display all the archived postings, select "Messages" in the upper right of the page.

If you subscribe to the group you can reduce the number of email messages you receive by collecting all the messages for a day into a "Daily Summary". To enable this feature go the the main XMLog group page and click on "Subscription" (in the upper right) to display all your current settings. Then choose the "Daily Digest" option. There are other options that let you further restrict the number of email messages you receive.

XMLog Support

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at:

Michael McAmis
433 Hanover Center Road
Etna, NH - 03750

or via email at: support@xmlog.com

For a look at W1ECT: www.xmlog.com/shack